Campus Map
During the conference, we will primarily be using WALC, WTHR, BRWN, and STEW, and CHAS. The WALC, WTHR, BRWN, and STEW buildings are adjacent to one another and are a short 1–2-minute walk apart from each other. CHAS is a short walk from these buildings.
Click here for a link to a map of Purdue University.
Building Abbreviations
CHAS: Chaney-Hale Hall of Science
WALC: Wilmeth Active Learning Center
WTHR: Wetherill Laboratory of Chemistry
BRWN: Brown
STEW: Stewart Hall, Loeb Playhouse located on left side entrance
PMU: Purdue Memorial Union, conference registration, exhibits, evening receptions
PMUC: Purdue Memorial Union Club hotel
PGG: Grant Street Parking Garage