Information for oral presenters
How long is a presentation?
Each presentation is 20 minutes, including time for questions.
How and when will I be notified of my presentation’s acceptance?
Acceptance notices have already been sent out, along with scheduling notices including the day, time, and location of your presentation. Find the complete conference program here. A few weeks prior to the conference, you will receive additional information from the symposium organizer(s) about what to expect during the symposium.
How many presentations can I give?
The BCCE follows the “rule of two”. Thus, the maximum number of presentations you can make should reflect one of the following combinations:
• 2 papers
• 2 posters
• 2 workshops
• 1 paper and 1 poster
• 1 paper and 1 workshop
• 1 poster and 1 workshop
Am I required to attend the conference?
Yes, at least one author presenting the work must register for and attend the conference.
What if I am unable to attend?
If possible, you can have a co-author present the work. If not, you can withdraw your presentation. Please make any changes to presenter(s), as well as withdrawing a presentation, through MAPS.
When should I be at my symposium?
Plan to arrive at your scheduled symposium before it begins, to check in with the presider(s) and make sure your presentation is set up properly. It is much easier to address any technical or other problems before a symposium begins. Ideally, plan to stay at your symposium for the entire session. Please have multiple back-ups of your slides such as a USB, placing it on a google drive, Dropbox, Box, etc. Symposium organizers and/or presiders will be reaching out to you with further information.
What equipment is available?
Each room is equipped with a projector and a computer. It is recommended that you bring an electronic copy of your presentation slides on a drive and use the computers in the room, however, you may use your personal computer if you prefer. Please communicate with the organizer(s) of your symposium and/or the program committee if you have additional technology or material needs.