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Studies of instructors’ beliefs, planning, and actions related to teaching in the classroom have largely examined primary and secondary (K-12) teachers, often looking toward student performance as the key indicator of successful teaching. In this symposium, we shift our attention towards instructors in higher education and how they prepare for and enact their teaching practices (i.e. their enacted pedagogical content knowledge, or ePCK). We will also consider the personal and contextual factors that influence their ePCK, such as personal experiences, beliefs, and identity, the departmental or institutional climate, and other external circumstances.

We welcome studies conducted at institutes of higher education of any size, population, and location, including community colleges and institutes classified as minority-serving (e.g. HBCUs, HSIs, TCUs, etc.). In addition to faculty and teaching staff, we also encourage studies looking at undergraduate and/or graduate teaching assistants.

Cross-cutting Thread(s):
Organizer 1

Emily Atieh

Organizer 1 Email
Organizer 2

Lu Shi

Organizer 2 Email