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The workshop is designed to provide practical guidance for preparing proposals for submission to grant agencies. Typically the greatest pragmatic question for a scientist is: “Where will I get my next grant?” Successfully obtaining grant funding is dependent upon two major factors. The first factor is having an interesting scientific problem or question to explore. The second factor is presenting that idea to a funding agency in a manner that renders the grant application competitive. This workshop will focus on the second factor and include information on funding sources, tips on writing proposals, do’s and don’ts of interacting with funding agencies, proposal evaluation, and identifying common errors in grant writing. The workshop will include activities designed to develop specific skills. The awarding of grants is a competitive process and there is no guarantee of success in obtaining funding. However, in the competition often details related to the manner of presentation of the idea and the writing the proposal becoming major factors in the decision process. The workshop provides guidance on optimizing the presentation of a grant proposal.

Cross-cutting Thread(s):
Organizer 1

Nancy Jensen

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