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Designing active-learning modules that function across in-person, hybrid and remote learning spaces remains challenging and nontrivial for chemical educators at all levels. One route to future-proof modules is via interactive electronic notebooks. Through demonstrations and hands-on activities, participants will learn how to create new or translate existing activities into Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition (W|ANE) notebooks. W|ANE notebooks bridge multiple learning spaces by combining molecular visualization, chemical data exploration and natural language computing into one document all while quietly teaching programming along the way. Example activities for use in an introductory chemistry course at the high school or undergraduate level are provided. Time is allocated for module creation with emphasis on setup, notebook basics, 2D & 3D visualization along with cloud publishing. Participants should bring their own device such as a laptop or tablet and have access to W|ANE. A trial version of W|ANE is available at Be sure to enter “BCCE participant” in the dialog box.

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Organizer 1

Jason Sonnenberg

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